
Dentists Performing Botox Injections

Dentists Performing Botox InjectionsBotox injections are administered by trained personnel in cosmetic surgery to improve one's
appearance, be it for personal reasons or for medical reasons. Performing Botox injections should be done by a doctor in most cases, as the standards that are required to deliver these injections are very strictly enforced. Of course, other trained personnel such as nurses can also inject botox but in the presence of a trained physician.

Inquiries have been made as of late about botox injections that are prescribed and delivered by a dentist. There can be a number of factors that play a role in deciding this, including state laws and guidelines.

We will examine this in closer detail.

What are the issues?

The proper training must be taken, as dentists who deliver botox are bound by the same guidelines as other medical personnel. For these treatments to be administered, it takes someone who knows precisely how the body works, who has had significant medical training, it's not a difficult procedure, but it takes professional skill. With injections such as these, there are sometimes side effects, and they can only be properly dealt with by a highly trained expert.

In other words, dentists who are trained in prescribing and administering botox injections will likely be allowed to inject botox.

Dentists and botox injections

Most states in the United States now allow dentists to administer botox injections. However, the indications for injecting botox are different to regular cosmetic injections. To illustrate this, botox can be injected for the treatment of myofascial conditions and is covered by a dental plan as allowed by the Dental Board of California. The use of botox for cosmetic reasons by dentists however is illegal. Administering it for this reason involves the Facial Cosmetic Surgery Permit to approve of the procedure. Botox injection procedures in Georgia require that facial anatomy and specific methods be learned in a 21 hour long course that the board has approved.

More recently, the Massachusetts Board of Dentistry approved dentists who have had practical training in cosmetic injection treatments to administer botox and fillers for cosmetic purposes.

Since states have their own separate rules on this subject, patients should do their own research into whether their dentist is permitted to administer these treatments. But overall, it appears that there is a growing trend of approving dentists to now inject botox for cosmetic purposes.

The controversy

Allowing dentists to administer botox to treat cosmetic issues has people debating if this should be approved. Discussions on a number of medical forums have constantly stated that they should be performed by trained plastic surgeons that have a better understanding of facial anatomy than dentists do. Some state boards recommendations are partly in line with this, that dentists should only perform botox treatments for purposes related to dentistry.

Dentists, on the other hand, have a different opinion, they say that their understanding of maxillofacial and facial anatomy is highly advanced, making them qualified to administer botox, as much or more so than some doctors. It would appear that this argument will continue on for years to come.


The number of patients requesting botox treatments seems to be surpassing the ability of medical professionals to deliver them, due to rising demand. With ever changing policies, state boards are now approving dentists to treat patients who would like to have botox treatments performed.

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